How to Balance Life and Your Personal Health & Fitness Goals

I’ve done the full-time college student, part-time work thing. I’ve done the full-time job, full-time entrepreneur thing. I’ve been through it all, well, except being a mom. The only thing that comes close to that is working with clients who are full-time moms with full-time jobs, who I give mad props to!

So how do you manage it all plus find the time to take care of yourself mentally and physically?!

I hate to sound cliche, but I truly believe that we all have the time to make it happen if we reallllyyyy want it. I’m not just saying that to say it. It’s true! But how do we make it happen?

First off, I want you to ask yourself what is it that you want to accomplish?

Are you just wanting to live a healthier lifestyle? Do you want to lose 10 lbs? Do you want more energy? What is it?

I then want you to ask yourself, why?

Why do you want to accomplish this goal? How will it make you feel? Can you picture this happening?

Now you have to ask yourself, what will happen if I don’t accomplish this goal?

Where will you be in 3-6 months if you don’t take action now?

Those can be tough questions to ask, especially if you’re not ready. If you’re not ready then you won’t have the time. But if you are ready, you’ll make the time.

Breaking through that mental block gets you to take action and realize that the only thing standing in the way of you getting what you want is YOU. Yes there’ll be times when you’re not motivated or something does come up where you literally don’t have time to go workout or make lunch. However, what matters most is what you’re saying and doing 80% of the time.

If you can be consistent 80% of the time, you are killin it!

So what are some simple action steps you can do to take action and be consistent?

  1. Write down your goals

If you answered the questions above, you’re already done with step one.

  1. Plan ahead

The key to consistency is to plan. I’m such a huge planner and if I don’t write things down I either forget or I make excuses.

  1. Journal

If you’re someone like me, who needs to not only see a difference but feel a difference. Journaling is a great choice! By looking back at a page where I felt energetic, motivated, unstoppable...I want to keep going and keep that feeling.

Or you can do the opposite and write when you’re at your lowest moments to get it all out (I’ve been there too).

  1. Take progress pictures of measurements

Enough with the scale! If you’re adding muscle (which burns more fat), the scale is going to play tricks with you so don’t bother! Take before pictures or measurements, because that’s where you’ll see the true transformation which will keep you going.

  1. Join a Facebook Group Community

Find your tribe of women who are going through the same thing you are or who you can relate to. These women are here to support each other and motivate each other!

If you’re someone who’s looking to lose weight, burn fat or simply just to live a healthier balanced lifestyle, Healthy Habits. Healthy Life. is just the group for you! We’d love to have you and meet you! Click here to join our private group!

  1. Follow someone on social media for motivation and encouragement

There’s tons of people out there who offer great advice and motivation through Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Podcasts, etc. Find someone who you can relate to and introduce yourself!

  1. Find a friend or partner

Find a friend to go to the gym with or help keep each other accountable. Being able to share the same interests with someone keeps your spirit up and keeps you going. You’re able to talk about your experiences with someone who can relate to you.

  1. Join a Class

Sign up for a class at your gym and mark it in your calendar. Going to an actual class takes the guessing work out of having to make up your own routine, plus you might actually meet someone who you can connect with.

  1. Hire a Coach

If you’re someone who wants more of the one-on-one coaching, support and accountability, hiring a coach is your best option. You’ll get all of the support you need plus you’ll get fully customized plans just for you!

  1. Buy a Program

Group coaching programs are also a great choice if you don’t want the one-on-one but you still want some support, accountability and direction of what to do.

I’m not telling you to do all 10 of these steps. All i’m asking you to do is pick 2 or 3 and try them for a few weeks. See what’s working and what isn’t. Then change it up if need be!

For those of you who do want one-on-one coaching or group coaching, I have a few spots open for both my one-on-one coaching! Click here to learn more!


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