8 Things Your Website Needs to Convert

Is your website converting? Want to increase conversions and maximize the efficacy of your website? There are 8 things you need on your website in order for it to convert!

✅ Clarity: Who are you? What do you do? Who do you help? How can someone work with you?

✅ Opt-in: a way the viewer can exchange their email address for free value, and possibly to convert to a paying client down the road

✅ User Experience: What's the goal of your website? Where do you want them to go? Is it easy for them to find links? Do you have CTA buttons along the page?

 Design that attracts: First impressions are everything when it comes to your branding. Your design can either attract or repel your clients. 

✅ Copy that converts: While the design catches the attention, it's the copy that keeps them on your site and converts them to paying customers.

✅ Strong headlines: Your headlines should be clear, specific, and drive emotion, which in turn, will drive action.

✅ Quality Images: High quality images show that you are a high quality brand.

 Clear CTAs: What do you want your viewers to do? Make sure your CTA buttons are clear and encourage taking action.


Ready for a website audit? Use the checklist below to see what you need on your website!


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